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It's the perfect time of the year for coffee liquor on the rocks or in a Espresso Martini. So why not try and review this rum coffee liquor from Flor de Cana.

For those regularly following this blog you may have guessed that I do have a soft spot for Flor de Cana. Not surprising as it wasn’t long ago I was sipping on an iced sample in the Nicaraguan distillery.

The Spresso however I first enjoyed on these fair shores, from a Tesco in Cheltenham of all places which is testament to how this brand is travelling and no surprise that its the No.1 export out of the country.

After doing some digging after my tasting (always post reviewing to ensure impartiality) I was impressed by the standards Flor de Cana maintain even with a flavour rum variant.

When I asked "why a coffee rum?" Flor's response was a simple as the product itself. "Coffee is such a popular product all over the world, why not have the best of both worlds. Giving birth to Flor de Cana Spresso".

Its base is none-other than the Flor de Cana 7 which is produced in column stills and aged in oak barrels where it draws in its flavour.

The great quality continues with the rest of the ingredients. only natural syrups, no artificial flavours and actually no caffeine either so you can drink to the early hours.

The matt black bottle is a stamp of class, in Flor de Cana’s now well recognised bespoke bottle shape. The black base really offsets the multi coloured design. Sadly a screw top but it really is a great bottle.

Look: Non-Surprisingly the liquid is jet black at its centre which lightens to a dark brown when it reaches the rim

Smell : Well a strong coffee aroma at its heart but there is certainly a sweetness that lingers.

Taste : A noticeably little kick from the 30% abv. Flavours of rolling coffee and slight sweetness start you off. It’s followed by a great rich roast and caramel flavour. Delicious!

4/5 stars. Strongly recommend trying this on the rocks first

...After that, get your lips around an all rum Espresso Martini (Stay tuned for my take on this delicious recipe)


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